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Our low airfare guarantees have seen over 10 million flight deals on MyTravelFare.com, as well as over 10,000 discounted hotel rates -  And we don't plan on stopping just there. 


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  • Economy Class Deals

    Los Angeles To Denver from $ 34430  Book Now

    New York To Los Angeles from $ 1050  Book Now

    London To Johannesburg from $ 1050  Book Now

    London To Singapore from $ 1750  Book Now

    New York To Los Angeles from $ 1344  Book Now

    Birmingham To Dublin from $ 475  Book Now

    New York To New York from $ 324  Book Now

    London To Glasgow from $ 250  Book Now

    London To Cairo from $ 385  Book Now

    Los Angeles To New York from $ 1234  Book Now

    Los Angeles To Dubai from $ 1354  Book Now

    London To Warsaw from $ 250  Book Now

  • First Class Deals

    Vancouver To Manila from $ 3400  Book Now

    Toronto To London from $ 1150  Book Now

    Toronto To Vancouver from $ 785  Book Now

    Toronto To Budapest from $ 625  Book Now

    Toronto To New York from $ 350  Book Now

    Toronto To Montreal from $ 300  Book Now

    Toronto To Prague from $ 985  Book Now

    London To Delhi from $ 578  Book Now

    New York To Washington from $ 1150  Book Now

    Montreal To Delhi from $ 2450  Book Now

    Vancouver To Tokyo from $ 1150  Book Now

    London To Bangkok from $ 950  Book Now

  • Business Class Deals

    Sao Palo To Rio De Jeneiro from $ 3434  Book Now

    Detroit To New York from $ 34430  Book Now

    Los Angeles To Budapest from $ 1411  Book Now

    San Francisco To Hong Kong from $ 1365  Book Now

    Los Angeles To Mumbai from $ 1724  Book Now

    Tampa To Detroit from $ 7200  Book Now

    Miami To Rio De Jeneiro from $ 963  Book Now

    Tampa To Johannesburg from $ 23444  Book Now

    New York To Dublin from $ 939  Book Now

    Chicago To Delhi from $ 1704  Book Now

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